2019 Financial Information – October Report

Written by Wesley UMC

On Oct 21, 2019

The months of July and August both had income greater than expenditures, which can be a challenge during the summer months that often have lower attendance. Thank you for continuing your commitment to giving even if you were unable to attend services. (And fortunately during the summer months we haven’t had to deal with the snow removal costs that occurred at the beginning of the year!) We contributed $2050 to apportionments during July, and a $5000 apportionment payment is being made during September.
One specific designated fund that I would like to mention this month is the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund. This fund is utilized to provide assistance to persons in great need who contact the pastor. Although the amount of assistance given is small, it can mean a great deal to someone who is desperate. The balance in the fund at the end of August was $433. If you would like to contribute to this ministry, simply designate on your offering envelope or the pew envelope a contribution to the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund.
Your continued support of your Wesley church and the greater United Methodist Church is very much appreciated.
Submitted By Amy Gewiss, Treasurer

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