From the Finance Committee, Trustee Committee, and Administrative Council:
Wesley UMC belongs to the Wisconsin Conference and receives an annual bill from the Conference for our Apportionment obligation. The 2019 Apportionment bill for Wesley UMC is ap-proximately $38,000. So far year to date, we have sent $11,000 to the conference. With only 3 months left in the year, it was decided that there needed to be a push to raise additional Apportion-ment dollars. Over the next 8 Sundays, we will be informing the congregation about Apportion-ments and where the money goes. This campaign will lead up to an exciting event on Sunday No-vember 17th, which we are calling “Miracle Sunday”. We are asking members to consider increasing their giving in the fourth quarter and designate that increase towards our Apportionment obligation. You can continue to give on any Sunday, or you can wait and designate your Apportionment gift on Miracle Sunday, November 17th. We will announce the success of this important campaign on Sun-day November 24th.
Respectfully submitted,
Brett Danke – Finance Committee Chair
Greg Bardonner – Trustee Committee Chair
Scott Orlowski – Administrative Council Chair.